Welcome to 8000 records.

This is a website about music. The idea behind it is quite simple:

When you have a collection of around 8000 records you realize at some point that there is one problem – it is almost impossible to listen to all of it. Most of the records might never be played again.

That’s not acceptable, of course. So I decided to do something about it and turned it into a project. 

Whenever I have a little bit of time on my hand, I will take one of these 8000 records from the shelf, listen to it from beginning to end, without skipping a single note, and write something about it. 

It’s my way of saying thank you to the music – and maybe goodbye as well. At least I gave it the honor of a good listen and a few words. Whether they are words of praise, bewilderment or dissatisfaction – we will see. 

And why should you read about it? It’s music. It’s always worth a read. And maybe you will even listen to it while you read about it.

Thank you and enjoy the music.

PS: In case you want to contact me, here’s my mail address: fww@8000records.com