Ends well
It’s over. 2024 is history. Lots of things went the wrong way. Don’t even want to get into that. Plus, it might just be a nice one compared to what’s up for 2025. But at least – it ended well. With a little gem from Freund der Familie.
That’s what friends are for, right? They welcome you with open arms, make sure you have a wonderful time and forget about all the crap that bothers you in the everyday, blessing the evening with the finest music, and finally sending you home with a warm and caring hug.
Guest of honor: Mathimidori. I don’t really know when I last bumped into something by Mathias Kaden that didn’t carry this alias. No problem though. I wouldn’t mind if he just put all his time, talent and effort into this superb side project. And if his album “Akebono” showed how much Kaden was made for Dub and Dub Techno, “Kingston Riddim” is even more convincing proof.
As deep and warm and classy as this track is, it couldn’t have been released anywhere else. Whenever Herr Rakete and his friends decide to go all the way Dub, you get a magnificent release. Van Bonn & Luis Baltes, Sven Weisemann, Another Channel, the two “Grau” EPs – all fabulous. “Kingston Riddim” has the most traditional sounding coat within this lovely selection, has the warmest bass, the deepest roots. Instant classic.
It’s an interesting moment when the original mix fades out and Satoshi Tomiie’s “Sato Interpretation” kicks in. So cool. Sudden and unexpected analog drum sound, a little raw, very present and tight… Tomiie adds a handful of elements that would normally shove it over to the dance floor – but he keeps the Dub tempo, refrains from throwing a four by four kick under it all. The result is something that could take off anytime but simply chooses not to. Rhythmic edge play, in a way. Very, very cool.
The only thing that I do regret is not being fast enough to score the super limited and super beautiful “shadow rose” edition. But the red and blue tie dye edition isn’t exactly ugly either. Marvelous stuff.
Release for review:
Get the vinyl on Bandcamp: Click
If sold out, try it on Discogs: Click