CV313 – Seconds To Forever

In re-release heaven

“Do I need this?” I asked myself.
“What a dumb question”, the collector in me answered, “This is essential stuff.”
“That’s not the point, is it? You already bought the original release back in 2010.”
“You don’t really want to tell me that you need to have this because it’s been remastered and therefore not exactly the same, do you?”
“It’s not that transparent blue vinyl either. You don’t fall for that.”
“It does look good, doesn’t it? And the others are blue too.”
“The others?”
“The other re-releases. “Infinit-1”, “Subtraktive”, “Sailingstars”…”
“Are they going through the whole back catalogue?”
“That’s what it looks like.”
“How many of the others did you get?”
“All of them.”
“Why am I not surprised…”
“But no more doubles. I missed a few back then.”
“That’s hard to believe.”
“Thank God for re-releases.”
“So you don’t buy the next two because you have the originals?”
“Oh, come on…”
“Really. Don’t know. I bought the first four, it’s hard to not keep the series complete.”
“Like the first four are crying on your shelf because their brothers didn’t join them.”
“But you do agree this is essential stuff.”
“Legendary, yes.”
“Like an even more tranquil and warmer version of Deepchord. At least on this one.”
“Isn’t it funny how this is House, if you really look at it? You sit there like, wait a minute this is House, and then naaah, you couldn’t call it that, really.”
“Well, they’re half Detroit, half Chicago. Or were, back then.”
“The reshape. So totally chilled out… So not “The Coldest Season”.
“Thanks to the Howard Street Rhythm Section. Taking it from the lakes to the Caribbean.”
“That might be a bit of an overstatement… But yeah, sun is shining.”
“And how about that flip side… Twenty-three minutes of bliss.”
“Could easily go on for an hour or more.”
“Exactly what Hitchell is doing these days.”
“As much as I love his later releases – this is on a level of its own.”
“No doubt. If you want to make someone fall in love with Dub Techno, “Beyond The Clouds” is probably the track to pick.”
“So… do you still think I shouldn’t get my hands on that re-press?”
“Hm. Guess you’re right. Legendary stuff deserves doubles.”

Release for review:

Get the digital version on Bandcamp: Click
Get the vinyl on Juno: Click
Get the vinyl on decks: Click